Fr. McVerry Visit

On Thursday the 9th of March Fr. Peter McVerry visited the school to speak to all third year students. He spoke passionately about the nature of the work that he does for vulnerable homeless youths in Ireland and how he actively advocates for those who have no voice in society. He made the boys aware of how homeless people can seem invisible to us, or rather how we can choose to ignore them in society.

His talk centered around young teenagers and the realities on how they have come to be homeless, often through no fault of their own. He described the dangerous effects of taking drugs and the implications associated with it. He used real life harrowing scenarios that he witnesses on a day to day basis to describe this. He encouraged the boys to show compassion towards other people, like Jesus did and reminded us that we are all children of God. He talked about how prayer, worship and way of life are important to him as a person of faith. The third years will be completing their Junior Cert Religion project on the life and work of Fr. McVerry over the coming weeks.